Monday, August 20, 2012

Finally getting back into the swings of things. It usually slows down in August, and we know the Fall and Winter is near when coffee orders start really picking up. Well, today, the coffee orders really started coming in!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Customer Appreciation Day and 15th Anniversary

1st-line Equipment turns 15 in October! Join us between 11am and 2 pm for Customer Appreciation Day to celebrate our 15th Anniversary on September 14, 2012. More details and RSVP here

Both roasters installed!

 Our two Ambex roasters just had new ductwork installed. Below is another picture of the vertical ductwork to vent out the small amount of smoke. For the ductwork, we utilized a NJ registered, minority-owned, local small business. We had to use a certified roofer to flash the roof which has a 20 year warranty. In fact, the ductowrk was installed last Thursday, and with last friday's thunderstorm front, we had a water leak equating about 55 gallons. The certified roofer's came in Monday.

Sitting in our warehouse for about 4 years, we inherited this Jabez Burns 4 barrel gas fired sample roaster. This thing is old and is in need of some sand blasting.

Adjusting the pressurstat on a la Nuova Era Cuadra espresso machine

La Nuova Era Cuadra: Adjusting Pressurstat

Adjust the boiler pressure setting on your La Nuova Era Cuadra espresso machine. We show you how to remove the top panel and side panel so that the pressurstat can be adjusted. Just look at the arrows around the screw in order to determine which was to turn the screw. Thank you for watching a video by 1st-line Equipment, LLC.